13 Sep When Should I Switch From Cooling to Heating?
During the fall, the temperatures can vary widely from day to night. You may wake up in the morning feeling chilly, but by afternoon you’re sweating because it’s so warm.
Many people wonder what the correct temperature is for their home at different times of the year. That’s why we’ve put together this guide on when to switch your thermostat from cooling to heating.
We hope that by reading this guide, you can switch at the right time and keep your home comfortable all fall long. Read on to learn when to change your thermostat from cooling to heating.
Understanding Your Heating and Cooling System
Before we get into when you should switch your thermostat, it’s essential to understand a few things about heating and cooling systems.
Your heating and cooling system are made up of two parts: the furnace and the air conditioner. The furnace provides heat while the air conditioner cools the air.
Most homes have a single heating and cooling system that uses both the furnace and the air conditioner. This type of system is called a split system.
There are also homes with two separate systems, one for heating and one for cooling. These are called dual fuel systems.
If you’re not sure what kind of heating and cooling system you have, you can ask a professional to take a look. A professional can tell you what type of system you have and how it works.
Whether you have a heating and cooling system or just a heating system, switching your thermostat from cooling to heating is pretty simple. In most cases, you’ll need to flip a switch or turn a dial.
Is It Okay to Switch Between Air Conditioning and Heating?
In short, yes! You can switch between heating and cooling as often as you need to. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.
For starters, it’s important to remember that the manufacturers designed your heating and cooling system to operate at a specific temperature range. This range is usually between 40°F and 80°F.
If you’re constantly switching your thermostat back and forth, it can strain your system. That can lead to decreased efficiency and increased wear and tear.
When Should You Start Running Heating?
Now that you understand a little bit more about heating and cooling systems, let’s talk about when you should switch your thermostat from cooling to heating.
As a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to switch your thermostat to heating when the temperatures outside fall below 60°F. Of course, every home is different, and the temperature that’s comfortable for you may be different than what’s comfortable for someone else.
What Is an Optimal Temperature for Fall?
The optimal temperature for fall depends on a few factors, including the weather outside and the type of heating and cooling system you have.
If you have a heating and cooling system, the best temperature for fall is usually between 68°F and 72°F. This temperature range is comfortable for most people and won’t put too much strain on your heating and cooling system.
If you have a heating system, the best temperature for fall is usually between 70°F and 74°F. This temperature range will keep you comfortable and help minimize the wear and tear on your heating system.
Consider the Climate You Live In
The climate you live in will also play a role in when you should switch your thermostat from cooling to heating.
If you live in a climate with very mild winters, you may be able to wait longer to switch your thermostat to the heating setting. But, if you notice that your home is starting to feel chilly, it’s probably time to make the switch.
On the other hand, if you live in an area with harsh winters, you may need to switch your thermostat to heating mode earlier in the season. By heating your home before the temperatures outside start to dip too low, you can help prevent your pipes from freezing.
Consider the Condition of Your HVAC Unit
In addition to the climate you live in and the type of heating and cooling system you have, you also need to consider the condition of your HVAC system. If your heating and cooling system is newer and in good condition, you may be able to wait a bit longer to switch to heating mode.
But if your unit is over ten years old, it may not operate as efficiently as it once was. That means it will take longer to heat or cool your home, which can waste energy and money.
If You Have Central Heating & Cooling
It’s a good idea to switch to the heating setting when the overnight temperatures dip consistently below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Doing so will help prevent your system from working overtime to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home.
If You Have a Heat Pump?
If you have a heat pump, you can leave the thermostat in the cooling setting all season long. The heat pump will automatically switch to heating mode when the temperatures outside dip below freezing.
Remember that heating with a heat pump may not feel as warm as heating with a furnace. That’s because furnaces create heat by burning fuel, while heat pumps move heat from one place to another.
If you find that your heat pump isn’t keeping your home as warm as you’d like, you may need to supplement the heating with a space heater.
Energy Costs
Speaking of energy costs, that’s another factor to consider when deciding when to switch your thermostat from heating to cooling mode. Heating your home uses more energy than cooling it, so you may see a spike in your energy bills during the winter months.
If you’re trying to save money on energy bills, you may want to wait a bit longer to switch your thermostat to heating mode. But, if you’re more concerned about being comfortable, it’s probably worth it to make the switch sooner rather than later.
Personal Preferences
Ultimately, the decision of when to switch from cooling to heating is a personal one. Some people prefer to keep their home on the cooler side, while others like it to be warm and cozy. Experiment with different temperatures until you find what’s comfortable for you and your family.
Do you have any other questions about when to switch your thermostat from cooling to heating? Contact TMC Heating and Cooling for more information. Our team of heating and cooling experts would be happy to help you make the best decision for your home.