
Beating the Summer Heat: Maximizing Your HVAC System for Extreme Temperatures As summer temperatures soar to unprecedented highs, keeping your home cool becomes more challenging and crucial. When the mercury rises above normal levels, your HVAC system must work overtime to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. Understanding...

Summer is here, and with it comes vacations from work, beach trips, 4th of July parties, and lots of fun. What is there not to like about summer? Just one thing–the heat. Here in Middle Tennessee, our summers get hot and stay hot. With high...

During the fall, the temperatures can vary widely from day to night. You may wake up in the morning feeling chilly, but by afternoon you're sweating because it's so warm. Many people wonder what the correct temperature is for their home at different times of the year....

What you need to know regarding ductless mini split air conditioners Ductless mini split air conditioners are becoming a popular option among many homeowners to cool certain areas of the home such as an individual room or upstairs.  In 2020, many homeowners have made the decision to...

Central air conditioner, a top choice for many homes As the temperatures and humidity rise in Tennessee, there is one thing we are most thankful for, our air conditioner. Nearly 100 percent of new homes built in the South have an HVAC system, with a heavy...

Reasons your air conditioner may not be working properly Not that summer is upon us, the most common question we get is “Why is my air conditioner running but not cooling?” There are many reasons why your AC is spitting out warm air instead of cool air....

A new HVAC system could cost more than $10,000, if you replace the central air conditioner, furnace and ductwork. But you could save substantially by following a few simple tips. How much does an HVAC system cost? Estimating the cost is difficult because of many factors. How...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Summer in Tennessee can be brutal. With an average high of near 90 degrees in July and August and the occasional 100 degree days, most homeowners don’t want their air conditioners working overtime when the high temps hit. You also...